Removing embedded entity columns from the table created in the App component

Hi @knstvk and @firstova,

The user on China forum encountered the same issue here in CUBA 7.2, related toptic is :

Also uploaded the 2 projects here: cuba.rar (2.0 MB)

Reproduce steps:

  1. unarchive the attached file, it includes 2 projects: embedd and embeddtest (pls ignore word spelling here :slight_smile: )
  2. open embedd project with CUBA Studio 13, then run CUBA->Advanced->Install App Component, it should be successful installed.
  3. open embeddtest project, then run CUBA->Generate Database Scripts..., verify that scripts for both the App Component and the main project are created.
  4. run CUBA->Create Database in project embeddtest
  5. start embeddtest by click the run button of Studio.
    Will observe a dialogue listing update scripts:

    The content of these scripts is removing embedded entity columns from the table created in the App component.

Could you please check if it’s a bug or work as designed? if the latter, please explain this behavior.


Hi, @hanbing.yin!
Thanks for the bug report. This issue will be fixed in the next bug-fix release.

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