New Theme Availability


In the styles.scss root classname must be .helium instead of .hover. The other changes are correct.


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What is the latest update on Helium theme ?
Has it been released yet ?
If so, how do I install and use it ?

Hi @robert.gilbert,

There are several beta releases, the latest are 0.1.0.BETA.4 for CUBA 7.1.5+ and 0.2.0.BETA.4 for CUBA 7.2.

Theme is not available in the CUBA marketplace yet, so you need to install it by coordinates:

  1. Open CUBA > Marketplace
  2. Click Install Add-on manually
  3. Enter add-on coordinate, e.g. com.haulmont.addon.helium:helium-global:0.2.0.BETA.4



Thank you @gorelov

This there is turning into a beautiful one!! I like it.

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The new Helium theme looks good to me. It works well on my iPad Air 3 !

I am not seeing any flaws, so I am wondering how soon will it be released ?

There was another colour option (blue) in earlier beta version but i don’t see that in BETA 4 version anymore.

By design, Helium will have two predefined color variants: light (default) and dark, with the ability to add custom color variants for a certain CUBA application. Blue and the other test color variants were included to the BETA.1 as an example.


Will there be an option in the add-on to add custom colour? That will be really fantastic, can’t wait for the final release.

In order to add custom color variants, you’ll need to extend the theme. The same is required to update an existing. By the time of release, we will prepare a guide on how to do this.


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Assuming that the theme can be extended within the add-on so that the extended color variants are available where ever we use as add-on, is this assumption right?

Do you think it will be possible to make the corners of the tabSheet (currently almost 90% corners) similar to other components within this Helium theme?



Not sure that I got your idea correct. As I mentioned earlier, in order to add custom color variants, you’ll need to extend the helium theme in a project that includes the Helium Theme add-on.


Any plan to integrate the Lumo Vaadin Theme into CUBA ?
It offers a very customizable editor.


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Hi @richard.thibault,

Lumo Vaadin Theme is used for Vaadin 14, CUBA uses Vaadin 8, so that we can’t integrate it. If you’re interested in why we don’t use Vaadin 14, you may find this article helpful: Vaadin 10+ as the Future of CUBA UI.


Hi everyone!

Helium theme has been released! Please read this post for more details: Helium theme and editor are released - CUBA.Platform.


Oh thank you for this information !
Yes I red your very good and detailed article about Vaadin, but I beleaved the Lumo theme was working with Vaadin 8 as well.
Shame, I would use the other themes then :slight_smile:
Thank you for your answer !

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I was wondering if this new theme is responsive and works properly both in desktop and mobile devices without requiring any intensive editing.


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Unfortunately, not. A theme itself can’t be responsive, it just changes UI components visual appearance.


Hi Gleb,
is it possible to customize helium theme showing vertical line in the tables? How can I change the no-vertical-lines predefined style?