GroupInfo Style Cuba 7

Hi everyone!

I install delegate styleProvider for a groupTable, but if a row is a group then the entity and property are nulls and there is no information about the row for set style rules as legacy screens.

How do I obtain all groupInfo of a GroupTable in Cuba 7 Screens?
And how I setGroupStyleProvider for a style depending of groupInfo?

I’m using Platform version 7.0.12


Hello @sospinar

To obtain GroupInfo you should get table items and cast it to GroupTableItems:

List<GroupInfo> rootGroups = ((GroupTableItems<TestEntity>) table.getItems())

how I setGroupStyleProvider for a style depending of groupInfo

Unfortunately there is no ability to do it. I’ve created a ticket to support this feature: GitHub


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@tsarev thanks for the quick reply.

This is a most important feature in my application. I’m waiting for final solution.

Thanks a lot in advance.