Generate Model from Postgres DB shows nothing

I think I’m not understanding something in CUBA Studio and I need some help.

I’ve created a postgresql database and created a schema called TST. In there, I created a table called EMP with 3 fields (surname, name, gender).

In the CUBA studio app, I created a default project. Then I expanded the “Data Stores” and right-clicked on the “Main Data Store” and selected “Edit Data Store.” I added all the postgres details and clicked “test connection” and it said "Successfully connected to “jdbc:postgresql://”

Then I right-clicked again and selected “Generate Model”. A window pops up and it says “no loaded tables”. The bottom it says Data Store=Main Database Scheme=public. This appears to be wrong as the scheme should be TST and I cannot change it. As a test, I recreated the same table in the “public” schema, and the table still does not show up.

Can someone help?

try something like

Hi. Thanks for the reply. I found that it is actually


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