Failed to load the widgetset

I created a project and created a javaScriptComponent following the document :Using a JavaScript library - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual .
The project is a “application component”, when the app starting ,the browser will pop a error message:

What can i do to resolve this problem?

Could you clarify which version of CUBA and plugin do you use? The error appears when you start your “application component” or when you added it to another application? Did you create “web-toolkit” module?

Hi Roman,

My environment
It appears when start “application component”,
Yes , i have created a “web-toolkit” module.

Probably, something is missed in the project configuration. Could you check for cuba.web.widgetSet property in file? It should define path to the “AppWidgetSet” file in the “web-toolkit” module, for instance:

cuba.web.widgetSet =

This is a fragment of the

Each time someone pastes a screenshot with code a baby cries somewhere )

Let’s try to clean and rebuild project, remove and setup tomcat then deploy the application again.

If the error still appears you need to check whether app-web-toolkit jar exists in deploy/tomcat/webapps/app/WEB-INF/lib/ … directory.

It would be helpful if you share a sample project where it is reproduced.

Hi Roman,
I have tried following what you said, clean and rebuild project, the problem still exists.

I inspected the “app-web-toolkit.jar”, the file is exists, but when i unzip the file ,found that there is no any class file in the jar .

Does this jar contain this file com.skd.component.web.toolkit.ui.AppWidgetSet.nocache.js?

Hi Roman,

It’s very strange, in my another computer , i found the application can works. And the xxxx-web-toolkit.jar,xxxx-web-toolkit-client.jar include the java class files and com.skd.component.web.toolkit.ui.AppWidgetSet.nocache.js.

I will test functionality in my widget, and will give a feedback to you.

Best Regards