CUBA 7.0 - Guides

Hi everyone,

with the Release of CUBA 7.0 we would also like to introduce a new form of documentation:

CUBA Guides

CUBA Guides are comprehensive articles about CUBA Platform specifics (Version 7.0+).

The guides cover CUBA related topics from beginner to advanced topics.

The catalog of topics will expand over time. For the beginning we will start with the following CUBA guides:

Most guides will take the CUBA Petclinic example project and extend it to show the guide specific details.

Structure of a Guide

The CUBA guides will go through a specific sub part of what developers using CUBA need to know in order to work efficiently with the framework.

A guide concentrates for the most part on a specific outcome. Therefore it will not cover all possibilities of the framework in full detail.

The guides are normally structured in the following way:

  1. What will be Build
  2. Overview of the Final Application (Screencast)
  3. Guide Requirements
  4. Content
  5. Summary

Guides, Documentation, Cookbook, Community How-To, Blog

With the guides, we now have one additional source of knowledge for you to leverage.
Guides will live alongside with the Documentation, but might replace the Cookbook section of the Documentation.

Feedback welcome

We hope you like this new form of content to get up and running with CUBA quickly.
Please feel free to give us your feedback. We really appreciate it!


Hi folks,

there is a new CUBA guide which deals with the many-to-many association:

Data Modelling: Many-to-Many Association


The many-to-many association implies that multiple records of one table are related to multiple records of another table. The joining table will store the primary keys of both related entities. Optionally, this table may contain additional columns.

Depending on whether additional fields in the joining table are needed, it can be implemented via a many to many association with an additional entity or without it. The following examples illustrate both approaches.


Have fun reading!



we release a new CUBA guide which deals with Entity inheritance:

This guide demonstrates how to use entity inheritance in CUBA applications.

In the petclinic example different types of Pets are groomed during their stay in the clinic - cats, birds and rats. All these types of pets have some common attributes. The application should store common attributes within one table and use separate linked tables to store specific attributes for the different pet types.


Have fun reading!



we release a new CUBA guide which deals with Entity inheritance:

Data modelling guide: What are Compositions and when to use them over Associations

In this guide the Composition relationship between entities will be covered. It will be shown where are the differences between Associations and Compositions. The two different kinds of Compositions: One-to-Many Compositions as well as One-to-One Compositions will be explored with different examples.


Have fun reading!


we release a new CUBA guide which deals with Initial Values for Entities:

This guide demonstrates different options on how initial values can be set for an entity.

In the petclinic example there are use cases, where certain default values for entities should be set either globally or on a per use-case basis.


Have fun reading!



we released a new CUBA guide which deals with Localization in CUBA applications:

In this guide the localization features of a CUBA application are explained

CUBA applications have a build-in support for localized messages for different languages. Translations are externalized in properties files to have a clear separation between the application code and the actual translations.


Have fun reading!



we released a new CUBA guide which explains how to work with Images in CUBA applications:

In this guide several ways will be explored on how to interact with images in a CUBA application

In a CUBA application it is possible to interact with images in various ways. In this guide, it will be demonstrated how to upload and display images in the application on live examples. It will be also shown how to attach those images to entities and how to enable users to download the image files from the application.


Have fun reading!

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we released a new CUBA guide which gives you an introduction to the reports / documents generation capabilities:

In this guide the Reporting add-on will be introduced and different ways to interact with it through the UI and programmatically will be shown

CUBA applications can be enhanced to have a comprehensive report / document generation capability directly embedded into the application. The CUBA add-on Reporting supports various file formats like DOCX , XLSX , PDF , HTML for templating as well as output file formats. Furthermore, it contains management screens and provides APIs to interact with the report / document generation process programmatically.


Have fun reading!


link to github repo is wrong

Hi, Mario.

The link to GitHub repo is still wrong.



Should be fixed. Thanks!