Attachments addon sql script issue


Using addon Attachment 0.51 with platform 6.10.12. Generated sql scripts create twice the table ddca_attachment wich prevent creating a database, even after clean the project.

Both following scripts create the table, sadly it seems I have no way to exclude the faulty one with studio as it is does not appear in Database Scripts window.


create table DDCA_ATTACHEMENT (
    ID uuid,
    VERSION integer not null,
    CREATE_TS timestamp,
    CREATED_BY varchar(50),
    UPDATE_TS timestamp,
    UPDATED_BY varchar(50),
    DELETE_TS timestamp,
    DELETED_BY varchar(50),
    NAME varchar(255) not null,
    ATTACHABLE varchar(255) not null,
    FILE_ID uuid,
    CATEGORY_ID uuid,
    primary key (ID)
    ID uuid,
    VERSION integer not null,
    CREATE_TS timestamp,
    CREATED_BY varchar(50),
    UPDATE_TS timestamp,
    UPDATED_BY varchar(50),
    DELETE_TS timestamp,
    DELETED_BY varchar(50),
    NAME varchar(255) not null,
    CODE varchar(255),
    primary key (ID)

80-busy\init\postgres\01.attachable-create-db.sql => this one seems to be an old version of the addon, as there is no category

create table DDCA_ATTACHEMENT (
    ID uuid,
    VERSION integer not null,
    CREATE_TS timestamp,
    CREATED_BY varchar(50),
    UPDATE_TS timestamp,
    UPDATED_BY varchar(50),
    DELETE_TS timestamp,
    DELETED_BY varchar(50),
    NAME varchar(255) not null,
    ATTACHABLE varchar(255) not null,
    FILE_ID uuid,
    primary key (ID)


Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\10-cuba\init\postgres\create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\20-reports\init\postgres\create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\50-cuba-component-runtime-diagnose\init\postgres\10.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\50-cuba-component-runtime-diagnose\init\postgres\20.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\50-cuba-component-runtime-diagnose\init\postgres\30.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\50-sec-forgot-password\init\postgres\10.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\50-sec-forgot-password\init\postgres\20.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\50-sec-forgot-password\init\postgres\30.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\60-cuba-component-taggable\init\postgres\10.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\60-cuba-component-taggable\init\postgres\20.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\60-cuba-component-taggable\init\postgres\30.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\70-cuba-component-attachable\init\postgres\10.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\70-cuba-component-attachable\init\postgres\20.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\70-cuba-component-attachable\init\postgres\30.create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\80-busy\init\postgres\01.admintools-create-db.sql
Executing SQL script: C:\dev\studio-projects\busy\modules\core\build\db\80-busy\init\postgres\01.attachable-create-db.sql
Failed to execute: -- begin DDCA_ATTACHEMENT
create table DDCA_ATTACHEMENT (
ID uuid,
VERSION integer not null,
CREATE_TS timestamp,
CREATED_BY varchar(50),
UPDATE_TS timestamp,
UPDATED_BY varchar(50),
DELETE_TS timestamp,
DELETED_BY varchar(50),
NAME varchar(255) not null,
ATTACHABLE varchar(255) not null,
FILE_ID uuid,
primary key (ID)
) because: ERROR: relation "ddca_attachement" already exists


i think this is a problem of the Studio feature that it will autogenerate SQL scripts that are not delivered by the addon itself.

I assume what happened is the following:

  1. you enabled the addon with a version prior to 0.4.0 (where Postgres support was not there, meaning no SQL scripts for Postgres have been delivered)
  2. Studio generated therefore the Postgres Script: 80-busy\init\postgres\01.attachable-create-db.sql
  3. you updated at some point to 0.4.0 or higher
  4. now you installed the app to a blank Postgres DB, which requires to add all init scripts.
  5. CUBA tries to run both scripts, which will cause the error

I assume you can just get rid of the 80-busy\init\postgres\01.attachable-create-db.sql file and run the application again, since attachable now contains the correct postgres SQL files.


Hi @mario, thanks for your feedback

Actually I enabled it quite recently, but strangely Studio keeps generating the faulty script even after a clean (including deleting manually the script) I do not know why.

This is what I did (and it worked), once Studio has generated scripts, I deleted the faulty one then launched create database. But each time I clean + generate db scripts it appears again, I have no clue why.

Just to be sure, I checked project conf, build.gradle for an old version, nothing. I use several of your adds-on (which are great by the way) with no trouble.


Hi @michael.renaud
Thank you for reporting the problem. We were able to reproduce it. So we have created the issue.

@michael.renaud, try to remove the unnecessary scripts from the modules/core/db folder. It should probably solve the problem.

Hi @iskandarov,

I did remove the faulty script manually to have db updates done, but Studio keeps regenerating it.


Hi Michael,
Which version of Studio do you use?

Let me explain how it probably works:

  1. Studio generates db-scripts in the modules/core/db/init/postgres folder.
  2. And during the project assembling the scripts are copied to the modules/core/build/db/80-busy/init/postgres
  3. Due to the Studio issue, after the component update, the unnecessary scripts were not deleted from the modules/core/db folder.
  4. But you have deleted them from modules/core/build/db/
    And after the next project assembling the scripts are there again.

Ensure you have removed the scripts from modules/core/db, clean and assemble the project.

Please, let me know if I have missed something.


HI @iskandarov

Using Studio 6.10.3.

I have following db scripts in the project:

Am i supposed to delete all scripts that are addon related (meaning all scripts except 10/20/30.create-db.sql ?


Yes. It seems it should solve the problem.
If some of the components still have no DB-scripts for Postgres, Studio is able regenerate them. Run CUBA->Generate Database Scripts.
But note, that 10/20/30.create-db.sql might be also renewed in some conditions and if you have customised the scripts (added some data in 30.create-db.sql, for instance), please save a copy before re-generation.


Seems to work, thanks @iskandarov