What is the social login address? and what are all the parameters i want to pass

what is the social login(FB) address(like =http://localhost:8080/app/rest/v2/oauth/token)? and what are all the parameters i want to pass to getting access token ?

Please see the documentation.

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hi Konstantin Krivopustov,
i know how to get Oauth token but here i ’ m asking about how to get social media(Oauth) login using fb ?



Social login is not related with REST v2, if you need to implement Facebook login check this demo project : GitHub - cuba-platform/sample-social-login: Custom authentication for CUBA Applications using Facebook

Hi Yuriy Artamonov,

I imported the demo project in my machine its working fine in cuba dashboard here i need to give the permission to user accessing the other api’s that’s why i want to generated access token so what are all the parameters i want to pass to get the token for the social media login user…
