What could cause a 100% Studio-generated many:many to fail to save?

So I have a completely Studio-generated many:many situation between 2 entities. What I mean is there’s no entity as the join table; I just let Studio make the join table and such. The screens are 100% Studio-generated as well. It represents Practitioners and Groups of same; a Practitioner can be in zero to infinity groups.

Simple right? I go into the Practitioner editor, add a Practitioner to a couple groups, hit Ok… go back in… the group list didn’t save. The whole thing is 100% Studio-generated - from the join table itself to the screens.

What do I need to look at - there’s no custom code or anything - so I’m pretty puzzled as to why it doesn’t save. I’ve not had this happen before.

Hi Jon
I have so may pair of entities which are joined many to many but do not have such situation. If you prepare a sample app and share, would be easy to diagnose.

This is/was essentially “user error,” but it could also be seen as a failure in documentation.

The problem is that if you want to manage the collections from both sides of the many:many, both entities have to be set as the “owning” side. Which to me doesn’t make sense; how can both sides own it?

This is completely unclear in the documentation; nowhere does it say that both sides can be “owning” nor that both sides must be “owning” if you want to be able to manage the collections from both sides.

But - problem solved - set both sides as owning and it all works.

Looks like you have met this bug:

We are going to fix it in the near future.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. We do have this target in mind - that all code generated by the Studio should simply work without further modifications.

I don’t get the Exception, the save simply never happens. Everything looks like it should have, but it doesn’t save. Marking both sides as “owning” makes it all work.