Unable to use JavaCV in CUBA project

After import JavaCV package into Cuba project, we found some problems javacpp.jar will not be published to the corresponding shared/lib directory, I do not know what the problem is?

The build file reads as follows:

compile ‘ org.bytedeco : javacv:1.5.4 ’
compile ‘ org.bytedeco : javacpp:1.5.4 ’

Found that javacpp-1.5.4.jar was published to the shartd/lib directory

But if you write like this:

compile ‘ org.bytedeco : javacv:1.5.4 ’
compile ‘ org.bytedeco : javacpp:1.5.4 ’
compile ‘ org.bytedeco :ffmpeg- platform:4.3.1-1.5.4 ’
compile ‘ org.bytedeco :opencv- platform:4.4.0-1.5.4 ’

It is found that javacpp-1.5.4.jar is not published to the shared / lib directory

Manually put it under shared / lib and delete it when project running

There is no problem in other non CUBA projects, but Maven is used

Thank you for reporting the problem. We have created a GitHub issue.


In version 7.2.13, the problem is still unresolved