Should have Entity type

Hi all,

I recently discovered Cuba and I’m discovering all possibilities a bit right now. I’m building a fake time tracking application just to learn about the platform.

I have created a notion of Customers (company-string, contactperson-string, …) and Projects (name-string, customer-Customer many to one). I created generic UI screens for both entities with list/edit. I added a suggestbox to the edit of Project, datasource customerDs is created with entity Customer and view _local. The suggest is bound to this datasource, but I cannot select a property, and when I type company in the property box, I get the error: DevelopmentException: property ‘test2$’ should have Entity type. I’m not sure what is going wrong?



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Hi Jasper,

What exactly component are you trying to use for the company attribute? SuggestionField or LookupField?
In both cases you should specify a list of options. Could you share your code?

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Hi Konstantin,
Problem is solved, by reading docs and examples more careful. Thanks for responding!

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