Sending Automatic Email Process

It’s possible to do mail task activities.


Check this sample application GitHub - aleksey-stukalov/bpm-approval-sample. It implements a service task that sends emails via the JavaDelegate implementation.


Where I have to give smtp credentials


See this link Configuring Email Sending Parameters - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual.

P.S. It would be great if you search through manuals before posting a question.


Hi Aleksey,

  1. I will run that code (bpm-approval-sample).


2.when i will be start to the process at the time i’m getting this error.

give me some suggestions to me Aleksey.

Hi Aleksey,

  1. i will run that bpm when i will selecting for a approve and reject .
    I didn’t getting mail in required user mail address.Before starting the process i was declared smtp credentials and user & password everything.

2.And so when is process is started ( in admin)i will be getting in this errors.


Did you try to debug?

Make sure that you have groovy template scripts in the right place and this path is specified correctly in ProcessEmailServiceBean.


Hi Aleksey,
Thank you for quick reply.

1.I was solved.
thank you.

Hi Aleksey,

I’m trying to doing send overdue mail process.


1.Where i could change my activiti name in,activiti-1

2.My user i was declared email id.i will getting a don’t have mail address.due%20error1

I was changed event also.

switch (event.getType()) {


please give me asome suggestions.


Change Activiti name? What does that mean?

As for the second question, just make sure you have e-mail specified for the mentioned in logs user.


Hi Aleksey,
first screenshot registered a user email address.

Set as a due date.

after this process strated means in i will getting a doesn’t have a email address




Could you please create a sample project, that represents the problem and send it over?

Hi Aleksey,
I was created a one user

  1. I was created a one Application Approval.

3.And start to the project i got message successfully .

4.this screen i would be set a due date at the time start to the process i will be getting a doesn’t have a user email address


send over due and send correction notifications i didn’t get.I am getting only an Approval notifications.

Overdue e-mails are sent to the initiator - in your case initiator is admin. Does admin have an e-mail?

Hi Aleksey,

Thank you for replying.I could find a solution and i got Approval notifications ,overdue notifications and correction notifications all.

Thank you Aleksey.

Hi Aleksey.

  1. Mail is generating when i was connect HSQLDB.

2.When i will connect with postgresql i didn’t mail is sending


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Hi Aleksey,
Thanks for quick reply.

I can’t understand your post.

Hi Aleksey,

1.Doudt about a BPM approver state.
We only fixing the approver from the BPM(Business process management.).means i will creating a one user that user is an approver for in the bpm.

2.But i want :-
we can’t add and select for a approver (Means user) .Once we select and fixed that approver every process approver will generating for every process how to do that.application%20approver


Your question is extremely unclear. Please, use proper English, so we can understand at least 70% of what you send.
