Security class diagram

how can I obtain a class diagram of security entities?

I need to implement a middleware administration and gui in cuba platform and i need to implements security restful api (create a user, create a roles, etc…).

How can i do it? Is there a documentation for this?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards


Not sure if i understand you correctly, but it seems that what you described is already there. Gui for user management, api for user management ia available out of the box in CUBA.


I would like to make the security module available with a RESTful API module. So I need to document the necessary calls to: create a new user; create and manage a role; assign permissions on the entities of a role; … I thought having the class diagram of the security module help me to better define the description of the RESTfull API.

Is there already a detailed description of the RESTfull API of the security module for the aforementioned features that I can use?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

Any CUBA application with REST API add-on provides the documentation on all its REST endpoints in Swagger format, see Project-specific Swagger Documentation. You can just insert the URL of your application documentation endpoint in the address field here: Swagger UI and press Enter, and you will see the detailed description of the API:

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Speaking about Class Diagram you could use Java Class Diagram from IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate:


You need to create a new Java Class Diagram and add required classes there. Also, I’d recommend that you enable Dependencies on diagram toolbar.

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