SCSS in Cuba Studio 7.2


is there a way to turn on syntax highlighting for SCSS files in CUBA Studio 7.2?

I follow the steps in the community how to’s “How to turn on SCSS highlightin in Intellij IDEA CE”, but the plugin “TextMate bundle support” not exists in the marketplace. :slightly_frowning_face:


Maybe this will help:

I tried this, but the plugin is not available for CUBA Studio 7.2:


You are right. I’ve also tried to download the Texmate plugin and install it from disk but all of the versions I’ve tried reported the incompatibility with Cuba Studio 7.2.
I guess the solution could be to use IntelliJ with both Cuba and TextMate plugins. But I did not try.

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Unfortunately, CUBA Studio is bundled with version of IntelliJ IDEA, that is incompatible with TextMate plugin.
You can install CUBA plugin on Intellij IDEA 2018.3.4 along with TextMate plugin as @Rimas said.

Hi Alexander,
thanks. Are there any plans to implement such a plugin in CUBA Studio?