SAML with Gsuite as IDP


i´m trying to use Google´s Gsuite as IDP for Cuba apps.

Does anybody has some experience of doing this, or at least working demo of saml implementation since one which is on github is giving me only Error in SP: Problem with SAML addon deployed in UberJar - CUBA.Platform

I will gladly summarize my experience of setting this up for comunity if somebody can give me hint on how to work it out.

Part with keystore generation in documentation is poorly documented. I am missing some steb-by-step documentation. Since i was able to create keystore, but i dont know if i should include some cert within. Can i use keystore which is used by Uberjar for SSL cert for example?

At the moment it looks like there is a problem with SSO path url which google provides:

compared to this one from sso circle: