Pivot Table: hiding row or column headers

I have following pivot table where I want to toggle the row/column selection panel to “Show” and “Hide”.


Another question is, how can i control width of those panels as sometimes it takes a lot of space in the screen.
Thanks for your help.


In the upcoming release 6.10 there will be the ability to show/hide pivot controls by providing the showUI attribute (see the issue).

Currently, you can only define CSS styles to hide certain parts of Pivot UI.


Hi Gleb
Thanks, sounds great! Is this part of major platform release 7.0?

With regards to use of CSS for the time being, what is the name of the pivot controls that can be called from CSS styles to hide?

for example, to hide rowTotal, the following code works well. Thanks for hinting about those control names that I should use in the css.

   .pivot-hidden-totalrow {
  thead > tr > th.pvtTotalLabel, .rowTotal, .pvtGrandTotal {
    display: none;

No, as I mentioned above, it’s a part of the release 6.10.

Define a custom stylename for a pivot (e.g. no-ui) and add the following implementation implementation:

.c-pivot-table.no-ui {
  .pvtUi>tbody>tr:first-child>td:first-child, // Renderer area
  .pvtAxisContainer,                          // Properties area
  .pvtVals {                                  // Aggregation area
    display: none;
