No mapping found for HTTP request with 2 war files deploy


When I start the application from CUBA, everything occurs fine. However, if I generate a war with gradle task and I deploy it in a tomcat, when starting the tomcat the application show unexpected erro screen and the catalina.out show this WARN

2019-08-21 14:38:34.072 WARN  [http-nio-9191-exec-113] org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/adaptivego-core/remoting/cuba_TrustedClientService] in DispatcherServlet with name 'remoting'

What could be the reason?


Hello @rafaelratacheski

Could you clarify what version of CUBA do you use? Could you also share sample project where the problem can be investigated? Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the case for the latest CUBA version


my mistake, the problem was related to the cuba.webPort parameter of the buildWar task

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