MySQL Connector Problem

Feb '17

I’m trying to change the default Cuba DB to use MySQL. I have downloaded MySQL Connector/J, copied mysql-connector-java.jar into the lib folder in both locations, stopped Studio server and restarted the laptop. But when I relaunch CUBA it still gives me the same message.

Is there something more I have to do ?

Which exact message do you mean?
Which version of CUBA Studio do you use?
MySQL connector should be put only to ~/.haulmont/studio/lib.
Try to Test connection: if the MySQL connector is missed Studio shows the corresponding message.

This is what is appearing.

Which connector have you downloaded and which version of MySQL server do you use?
As written in the mentioned message it is better to use 5.1.46 (See “Looking for previous GA versions?”).

You can also add serverTimeZone (“serverTimeZone=RTZ” for instance) to connection params in Database URL.

Fixed. Working Now. Thanks.