Javascript to convert Enter-Key to Tab-Key

I am trying to use a simple javascript-based solution that captures keyboard events and changes focus to next widget or submits Form (depending on which component type currently has focus). Different variations of that script can be seen on this posting:

The question is, what is the best way in Cuba to invoke ad-hoc javascript?. To me, it’s not really the same as using a Javascript component because I don’t plan to get a new component but instead use an existing one such as TextField (and DateField and Button and LinkButton etc.).


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You can extend existing instance of TextField using Vaadin component Extensions. An extension is an additional object that can be attached to a component and execute some JavaScript in a browser.

You can read more about Extensions here: Integrating JavaScript Components and Extensions | Client-Server Integration | Framework | Vaadin 8 Docs

In a case of CUBA application, you can use this mechanism in web modules. Let assume I want to create simple input listener that will show browser alert.

First, I create Java class MyExtension that will extend AbstractJavaScriptExtension class from Vaadin:

public class MyExtension extends AbstractJavaScriptExtension {
    public MyExtension(TextField target) {
        callFunction("init", target.getId());

Here I call “init” function from my javascript file and pass “id” of target TextField as a parameter.

Next, I create JavaScript file in modules/web/web/VAADIN/ with name my-extension.js:

window.com_company_demo_web_ext_MyExtension = function() {
  var self = this;
  self.init = function (inputId) {
    $('#' + inputId).on('input', function() {

There I define the function with a special name; it should be equal to FQN of my Java class. Also, I define “init” function with one parameter inputId. Then I subscribe to “input” events to show alerts on input in my TextField.

And finally, I create my extension in a screen using Vaadin component, obtained from CUBA component (see unwrap method):

public class ExtAppMainWindow extends AppMainWindow {
    protected TextField extTextField;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

        com.vaadin.ui.TextField vTextField = extTextField.unwrap(com.vaadin.ui.TextField.class);
        vTextField.setId("myExtendedInput" + RandomUtils.nextInt(100000)); // we need id to find our input in JS

        new MyExtension(vTextField);

Now, if I type one char in my TextField, I will see browser alert. As you see, I haven’t created any new component, I’ve just added new functionality to the existing instance of TextField.

I’ve prepared simple demo for you, see project on github GitHub - cuba-labs/js-extension: Example of extending of existing UI component using JavaScript extension.

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Also, you can improve the JS file:

window.com_company_demo_web_ext_MyExtension = function() {
  var self = this;
  var element = self.getElement(self.getParentId());

  $(element).on('input', function() {

You can use getElement function and getParentId to obtain target element without additional id passed from a server. In this case we don’t need to call “init” function from MyExtension constructor.

It works,
