Image in CUBA report

I am trying to print company logo image in a YARG report.
While I am selecting different fields from the report wizard I get different fields of the FileDescriptor field of company but nothing as image object. I have selected the and found the image file name which is normal but not sure how I can get the image itself as I don’t see any option to use ${imageFileId:WxH} as described in the user guide.


Note that I am using Excel file as a template.

Hello @mortozakhan,

You can pass FileDescriptor or FileDescriptor ID in the formatter ${imageFileId: WxH}.
(Field Value Formats - CUBA Platform. Report Generator).

Select ID, the formatter finds image by ID and insert in the report.


Hi @shchienko
That’e exactly what I tried as you can see in my post. Problem is, in the report designer, I don’t see option to select the file descriptor object rather fields of File Descriptor as you see in the image above. Any thoughts?

Hello @mortozakhan,

We have a project with examples of the creation of reports. Take a look at it.

And I created a project that prints a report with the picture in xlsx format.

Project:Report-project.7z (56.8 КБ)

Report: Report for entity Image|attachment (8.6 КБ)


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Hi Nikita
Thank you for the report and sample project.

Hi Nikita
I am trying to use your example to print company logo in the Purchase Order.
The image (FileDescriptor) is in Company Entity which is Associated with PurchaseOrder entity.

I have formatted the field in report design:

used the field in the DOCX file as follows:

and getting the following output in the image field in the report: [detached]

I am not using any view though.

It worked!