How to import Haulmont library when import project

i have a CUBA project on SVN, i downloaded it on my computer, when i import it on IntelliJ idea 2017.3.2 it not working be cause it notify me “Error:(3, 43) java: package com.haulmont.chile.core.annotations does not exist” and more. I saw all of lass on haultmon library not exist. I am a new member cuba platform, please help me, below is a picture i screenshot, thank everybody

Which version of the platform do you use in the project?
To assemble the project you need Gradle.
Is there gradlew.bat in the root project folder? If yes, launch gradlew assemble, gradlew idea in terminal.

It is strongly recommended to use CUBA Studio if you are not experienced in the platform. Using Studio you can import a project from filesystem.