Gradle groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException outputDir

I recently updated my cuba platform, I am using 6.8.1 now.
Whenever I try to run the server I always get this error:

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: outputDir for class: org.gradle.api.internal.file.DefaultSourceDirectorySet

Is there a way of solving this problem?


Which version of Gradle do you use? Since 6.8 platform requires 4.3+


I had 3.4.1
But i just updated to 4.6
However I still have the same error.

Do you use Studio or start tasks from command line?

Currently I am using Studio

Did you specify Gradle version in Studio? It is not necessary any more since Studio will use the right version of the Gradle depending on project.

No, as far as I’m concerned I only specified the version in the build.gradle file.

It should be in gradle/ instead and not in the build.gradle. Version in build.gradle is used only for Gradlew generation

Yes, it also in a file.

I resolved it. I didn’t change my gradle installation directory in the studio settings when I updated to another gradle version.

I’d recommend to simply reset it. It is not required any more because Studio will download appropriate Gradle automatically depending on Project properties and used platform version.

Hi! How do I reset the gradle installation directory?

Check Studio settings:


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