Getting the usual "unfetched attribute" exception...but the attribute IS in the view

So I’ve got a need to add things onto the User entity, and since the recommended way now is to NOT extend the actual class, I’ve done it as a normal association. Except on the edit screen for the extra info I also need the user’s email there. I’ve added said attribute to the view, and that view is the one being used by the screen… but I still get ye olde unfetched attribute exception for the user’s email. I can’t figure out why.

And the weirder thing is, in happens also in the attached generated-in-2-minutes test project too.

Just build/run the project, go in, use the only screen “userstuffs” and pick a user. You’ll get the exception. Even though is definitely in the view! (82.2 KB)

Hi @jon.craig,

The problem happens only when you pick a user from the drop-down and this has a straightforward explanation: your options container returns a user with minimal view <collection id="usersDc" class="" view="_minimal"> and this doesn’t include the email field. Just specify the right view of the usersDc. Here is your pill:

        <collection id="usersDc" class="">
            <view extends="_minimal">
                <property name="email"/>
            <loader id="usersLc">
                    <![CDATA[select e from sec$User e]]>

Also, let me suggest an improvement. You can traverse fields in the property attribute like Here is what you can do in your case:

<window xmlns=""
        <instance id="userstuffDc"
<!--        You don't need this nested data conatiner-->
<!--        <instance id="userDc" property="user"/>-->
    <layout expand="scrollBox" spacing="true">
        <scrollBox id="scrollBox" spacing="true">
            <form id="form" dataContainer="userstuffDc">
                <column width="250px">
                    <lookupPickerField id="userField" optionsContainer="usersDc" property="user"/>
<!--                Just traverse through the graph directly-->
                    <textField id="userEmail" property=""/>
                    <textField id="extrastuffField" property="extrastuff"/>


Of course. :frowning: I completely forgot about the options container! I was so focused on the main data container.