Error when requesting a trial subscription

Today I have installed CUBA Studio 2019.2 (Intellij Edition).

When I click “Request Trial” button it gives “Unknown error please try again later”. I have tried multiple time but does not work.


Can you please provide your CUBA Studio idea.log file, so we can analyze the problem? It can be found by using main menu -> Help -> Show log in Explorer.

Also, if you have static IP address, can you send it (external IP address) to me in private message? I’ll check server logs.

My ip address is (may be dynamic).

idea.log (158.8 KB)

I could not find the problem based on your logs and IP address.
Is it possible that you have network problems or unusual network access configuration, maybe forward proxy?

If you continue to have problems with obtaining trial license, we can issue trial license to you manualy and send it to your email.


I still can not request trial. I don’t have proxy etc on my system.
Can you please issue trial license manually ?