Entity log PDF report


The entity log screen (and it cousin screen, diff-view for snapshots) is a very useful feature for audits. Some corporate clients want a PDF evidence of the changes, in order to store the information outside the CUBA application. So, is there any way to export the changes committed to an entitiy to a PDF report, using the report module ? How can I refer to the changes/snapshots in the reporting module ?

Thanks !


Hello @arapoport,

You can create your own report in the Reports Addon for EntityLog entity. And then print it on any screen.

Report: Entity log Report.zip (7.7 КБ)



Thanks for the suggestion ! I ran the report and I got the “header” data (entity class, user, date, etc) from the table but I don’t get how to link the entity log record to the changes record in a table format, like the GUI:


The JPQL query returns a field named “changes” but all the fields are concatened in a single string and not localized at all.

Any tip or guidance would be appreciated !

Hello @arapoport,

You can create a report with sub-bands. XLSX and XLS Templates - CUBA Platform. Report Generator

I created a report for the group and user, for example: Report.zip (8.9 КБ)

Other reports, can be found on GitHub
Documentation: Sample XLS Report - CUBA Platform. Report Generator
