Data import : Oracle error due to table name length

Hi Mario,

First of all, thank you very much for sharing this add-on in order to enrich the tools available in the Cuba-Platform community.

Our platform is:

CUBA Platform version: 7.2.4
CUBA Studio plugin version: 13.2-191
IntelliJ version: CUBA Studio 2019.2
Oracle 12c database

I’ve just added Data Import add-on to my project but, when updating database for the tables initial creation, appears the following error due to table name length:

Error que empieza en la línea: 1 del comando :
    ID uuid,
    VERSION integer not null,
    CREATE_TS timestamp,
    CREATED_BY varchar(50),
    UPDATE_TS timestamp,
    UPDATED_BY varchar(50),
    DELETE_TS timestamp,
    DELETED_BY varchar(50),
    ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE varchar(255) not null,
    UNIQUE_CONFIGURATION_ID uuid not null,
    primary key (ID)
Informe de error -
ORA-00972: el identificador es demasiado largo
00972. 00000 -  "identifier is too long"
*Cause:    An identifier with more than 30 characters was specified.
*Action:   Specify at most 30 characters.

Is there any workaround to avoid this problem?

Thanks in advance.


Thanks. Glad you liked it :slight_smile:

Currently i’m not sure how to resolve it as a auick fix. It has been discussed here: Addon: Data import - #4 от пользователя velankanniraj - CUBA.Platform

Problem is, that it would require renaming the table and all potential attributes. Testing that on the existing DBs would cost time.

If you are willing to take the burden of providing the SQL create / update scripts (for all supported DBMSs - this is actually the problem), and test it i will happily add it and with that have Oracle support :slight_smile:

Perhaps i will do it sometime when I do DB migrations anyways. Alternatively you can reconfigue Oracle to support longer names which is possible I believe since 12.2.


Hi, Mario.

Thanks for your answer and your offer.

Actually, we’re trying that our DBA accepts the reconfiguration change of Oracle database.

