Data import not working properly in the latest updated version

.AsI have updated Cuba to the latest version, I am facing some issues with the data import. This function is not working for all the entities even though the file being imported is strictly according to what has been mentioned in the documentation.


Could you be more specific? What version are you using and what data are you importing?


I am using version 10.

I think i might have some issue with the version i have in my laptop because it works fine in other systems apparently.
Can u suggest something so I can check what is wrong with the cuba in my laptop.

Not until you provide steps to reproduce, exception stack traces, logs, etc. - at least something.

So, I m importing the list of countries , states etc.
I have created the xls file exactly according to what has been explained in the documentation

Now The data model COUNTRY has two attributes, direct attributes.

  1. Code
  2. Country
    So this data model was easy to work on through data import.

Whereas , the data model STATE has three attributes

  1. Code (Direct Attribute)
  2. State (Direct attribute)
    3.Country (Association to Country)

Earlier when I used Data import for the stateā€¦the import wizard automatically figures out the direct and associated attributes and the data import was done.

But now I have to do the custom configuration and then also it cant take the value of the associated attribute.