Couldn't find OpenOffice Instance

I got message “Couldn’t find OpenOffice Instance” when I run an report on server.
Develop machine is x86_64 with Debian 9.4
Server is arm (Odroid U2) with Debian 9.4
I have in app.propierties

reporting.openoffice.path = /usr/bin/libreoffice

Also when I move the project from x86_64 machine to another also give me this message
“Couldn’t find OpenOffice Instance”
after that works on x86_64 machine but I not know what was the motif.

I run in Open Administration -> JMX consol->app-core.cuba:type=ConfigStorage bean and I execute getAppProperty method with parameter reporting.openoffice.path and I got

Operation invoked successfully with result:

on both machine (arm and x86_64)

Now I change reporting.openoffice.path to

reporting.openoffice.path = /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin

directly to binary program in both machine( on x86_64 work) and on arm not work, the same result
Couldn’t find OpenOffice Instance

I run also on arm machine

/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin -nologo -nodefault -norestore -nocrashreport -nolockcheck -nofirststartwizard -headless -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;

I got result

Warning: -nologo is deprecated.  Use --nologo instead.
Warning: -nodefault is deprecated.  Use --nodefault instead.
Warning: -norestore is deprecated.  Use --norestore instead.
Warning: -nolockcheck is deprecated.  Use --nolockcheck instead.
Warning: -nofirststartwizard is deprecated.  Use --nofirststartwizard instead.
Warning: -headless is deprecated.  Use --headless instead.
Warning: -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100,tcpNoDelay=1 is deprecated.  Use --accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100,tcpNoDelay=1 instead.

Hi Florin,

What is the platform version do you use? How do you run Tomcat? Do you run as Linux service?
Could you provide tomcat logs from ARM machine?

Thank you,

Hi all,
I found the problem and I fix it.
The problem was the write access.
LibreOffice (OpenOffice) wish to write/create an directory .config/libreoffice in home user directory.
In my case the user is tomcat8, so with

root@florintanasa:~# cat /etc/passwd | grep tomcat

I found where is home directory to user tomcat8 and after that I change user and group right from root:root to tomcat8:tomcat8 to the directory /var/lib/tomcat8 (home directory for user tomcat8).


My app.war application do it by Cuba Studio work like a charm on arm machine