Chart runtime properties

I am struggling to find a way to modify chart properties at runtime.
In particular I need to set the range of the y axis of a xyChart and I would like to add a title in runtime depending on the data I am showing.

It would be good to have more use examples in the documentation.



You can trigger repaint after changing properties at runtime:

private XYChart chart;

Ok, thanks but the problem I have is with the graph sub-components:
How can I change the range (max and min) of the y axis?
Or how can I add or modify a title?

Each chart type provides Java API. For instance, you could add new Title as follows:

        new Title()
                .setText("New title")

Just check the corresponding Java interface, e.g. com.haulmont.charts.gui.components.charts.XYChart.

Check com.haulmont.charts.gui.amcharts.model.ValueAxis class for min / max values of Y axis. See also this demo in Sampler.

That’s more like it. Thanks!!