Can't create new project, platform version is empty?

Good afternoon,

I just started using CUBA Studio today and the first mistake that I have encountered has been when creating a new project. It turns out that if I try, I do not see any option to choose in the field “Platform Version”, so I can not begin to practice. Also, when I try to import a project from GitHub it does not matter either, can someone help me?


Thank you very much,

Did you turn on the Offline mod on the Settings tab?


When I turn on this option I received the following message.




Good Morning,

I’ve noticed that it does not work for me because I work with a proxy and apparently blocked my connection, any suggestions?

Thank you very much,
A greeting.

Which version of Studio do you use? We have fixed several issues about proxy connection in Studio version 6.8.5, now it should work ok.


I’m using 6.8.5 version, you can check this in the photo that I attached 16h ago.


Hi @jordi.gisbert.ponsoda,

Add on System Environment variables.

Variable: JAVA_OPTS

Value: “-Dhttp.proxyHost=[proxy ip]” “-Dhttp.proxyPort=8080” “-Dhttps.proxyHost=[proxy ip]” “-Dhttps.proxyPort=8080”

Reboot computer.


Thanks, I’m going to add this.


Also don’t forget to add JAVA_HOME system variable.

Good Morning,

It has been to include the system variable JAVA_OPTS and right now it does not even open the CUBA Studio. I have added the variable with the “” and without the [] in the IP of the proxy, it is correct right?

Thank you very much,

My settings look like this.

2018-05-15 15_08_02-Edit System Variable

Did you also add JAVA_HOME?


Yes, I have the same and the JAVA_HOME variable.


Does your proxy required username & password?


Make sure the proxy ip & port are correct. Also can you check your proxy logs?

No, I don’t need user and password.

Can you try to reinstall your CUBA Studio SE & Reboot.


I have reinstalled like 5-6 times CUBA and nothing, it seems to be error of my connection. Anyway, when I add my proxy to the JAVA_OPTS variable, CUBA Studio does not even start, I do not know what to do anymore.


Try it on another computer i think you have an O.S problem.

Please try to run the attached simple program which tries to access the repository. If your proxy settings are configured correctly, it will print some HTML text, otherwise it throws an exception. If the program runs successfully, Studio should work too. (11.0 KB)