Attribute tenantId field visible in every screen

Attribute tenantId field visible in every screen

I upgraded my application to
platform 7.0.6
multitenancy addon 1.3.1

Im sure it worked in 6.10 version.

I recreated the database. All of my relevant entities exend from StandardTenantEntity.

In every screen (browse and edit) the tenantid field is visible and editable. I did not explicitly exclude it from the views since the documentation states the @TenantId annotation (which is available on the StandardTenantEntity ) should exlude it from the views.

Hi @tom.monnier

Studio creating screens with all entity fields by default. You can manually remove tenantId field from screen xml descriptors.


Yes but the point is that the documenation states:

A developer can add the tenantId attribute to tenant-specific entities screens, which can be useful for QA and for global administrators.
TENANT_ID column/field will be hidden from tenant users as long as the tenantId attribute is marked with the @TenantId annotation in the entity code.

Shouldn’t it then be invisible to tenant users automatically? This way when a non-tenant user (eg global admin) logs in he can see the tenant ids, but it is hidden for all tenant users.

You are right, tenant column should be hidden. We have fixed this issue and will publish a new add-on version this week.

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Hi @tom.monnier,

We have published new multitenancy add-on version 1.3.2. The issue with the tenantId field should be fixed.
