Jasper Report Image

Good day,

I would really appreciate any help with adding an image to a jasper report template. I have already followed the instructions on how to upload the image to the FileStorage system, but now need a way to pass the byte array of the FileDescriptor to the report as a paramater.

The developer documentation notes that this is possible to display an image using the bitmap Reporting Parameter, but Iā€™m unsure on how to setup the report parameter from my application.

Does anyone have an example please?

Hi, have you succeded to make it ?
Iā€™m trying also but no success till now.
Anyone from cuba team can share an example on how to define the image parameters from the report in CUBA and then in jasper please ?

I think file descriptor url location plus hasmap jasper parameter can solve this problem.

Hi @ghircoiascamil1,

This example is passing date as parameters on jasper report.