Guava Eventbus - Notification to update the edit-screen on entity change

Hey all,

I have an Order entity in our project, and we have an option to update an Order via REST API. I want to raise an event if an Order gets an update via API, that triggers a notification in an Order edit screen (if it’s open at the same time it get an update via API.

I’ve fiddled around with the EventBus in the Guava Library, but I can’t seem to get a screen to work as a subscriber.

Does anyone have a suggestion how to do this with Guava, or any other way?



There is no need to use Guava EventBus, it cannot be done using such an events system. I’d recommend that you take a look at Global Events add-on See Github.

Hey Yuriy,

I’ll have a look, thanks for the heads up!