Alternative to JS chart by amCharts

I want to put a chart in my cuba app in the module “GENERIC UI ” I have used the component pieChart provide by cubaStudio,

the problema is that I can see that next to the chart there is a message “JS chart by amCharts”, it seem I have to pay for a license if I want to use this component,

are there any similar free component to use in my cuba app?

I attach two screen shot

Thank a lot


Hello @mangel.gonzalez

AmCharts is not free addon and its subscription should be paid separately. We have a documentation page that describes how free version can be replaced: Replacing AmCharts Version

Unfortunately there is no free alternative “out-of-the-box”, but you always have an option to integrate suitable charts addon manually. Please check our documentation: Custom Visual Components.



According to AmCharts license you can use it for free as long as you keep the link to their web site. If you want to remove the link - you have to buy license.

In case you want to buy a license, you need AmCharts 3 License, AmCharts 4 is not supported yet.


Ok, there is another alterntive of chart open source to use in the module “GENERIC UI " of cuba studio?

thank a lot!

No, but you can integrate it by yourself. See the manual on JavaScript library integration.

Hi Yuriy,

I am also looking answers for the same question. I would be great to have an example on js chart integration.


Hi Sanchit ,

You can find a lot of examples here demo-cuba-platform. . . also remenber you have to activate the charts item in the App components list on the Project properties page of CUBA Studio.

Demo shows AmCharts charts, it is the same add-on, available for you. Moreover, demo uses paid AmCharts version, that’s why there is now their web-site link. You can remove this link if you buy AmCharts 3 on You can use it for free, in this case link will be on your charts.

Ok, there is another alterntive of chart open source to use in the module “GENERIC UI " of cuba studio?

As I’ve said before, you can integrate any third-party JS chart library if our charts add-on is not suitable for you for some reason.

If you are using platform 6.10 you could use DCharts Vaadin Add-on. Unfortunately, there is no version of the addon compatible with Vaadin 8.

Also, there is a JFreeChart wrapper and Charts.js components. They are compatible with Vaadin 8 and platform 7+.

Recently, we have published a tutorial with Chart.js add-on.

See Building interactive charts with Chart.js - CUBA.Platform